
蘋果日報 動新聞 - CNN Appledaily Chinese Animated News Report

Dang.. I dont know they need to write scripts and then use motion capture!!
That's some good usage of technology, although their intentions aren't all that well...

Source - Soso's 肥佬黎 on CNN

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iPhone上使用Android lock screen (iOS 3)

如果你想在 iPhone (iOS 3) 上使用 Android的 lock screen,

你可以跟隨以下的 step-by-step guide:
1. 先到 Cydia (註: 你的 iPhone須要先 jailbreak呀!)
2. Search "AndroidLock", 然後 "Install" -> "Confirm", 按 "Restart Springboard"
3. 進去 iPhone的 "Settings", scroll下去找 "AndroidLock"
4. 按 "Change Pattern", 然後輸入你的"密碼"(圖案), 重複再輸入一次
5. 按 iPhone的 sleep/wake button令 iPhone進入 sleep畫面, 然後再按一次令 iPhone進入 lock畫面, 你就可以輸入你的新"密碼"(圖案)了!


(註: 以上的方法是供iOS 3用的, 如果你是iOS 4請參照這裡)


註: 你的iPhone須要先jailbreak呀

Ref -
1. 如果你是iOS 4請參照這裡
2. Gadget Venue - http://www.gadgetvenue.com/android-lock-iphone-01295947/
3. 如果你是iOS 5請參照這裡

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維園年宵花市 2010

剛行完維園花市, 今年好 像少了一行 (只有四行, 三行乾貨一行花卉)

更有散貨場必備的SD card, 及在旺角灣 仔皆有鋪位的Polo/Burberry冒牌袋....

今年缺少了華叔寫揮春, 代 替其寫揮春位置的是張文光, 但卻連一個人都沒有(!!)
而所有跟虎年有關的產品都實在太沒創意, 所以我連相片也懶得拍了

除非你很喜歡吹氣系列的任何東西/時間很多/想買花/想找張文光寫揮春, 否則我勸你別浪費時間了.

申延 -

申延 -
維園年宵花市 2011
維園年宵花市 2009

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Superbowl 廣告 2010

先恭喜我的校友Drew Brees成為SuperBowl champ and MVP.
我不是Saints的fans, 但我絕對支持Brees (huge man crush here), great job my fellow Boiler!

今年的Superbowl廣告好像遜色不少, 最愛McDonalds remake十幾年前Jordan vs Bird的Horse, 其他有趣的我覺得有:

McDonalds - Horse (LeBron v Dwight)

Coca Cola - Hard Times


Doritos - Crash the Super Bowl 2010 Aired: House Rules

Careerbuilder.com - Casual Friday

其他的廣告可在Youtube channel收看:

舊年Superbowl 2009的廣告

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Leica M7 Hermes unboxing (from Purseblog)

Don't ask me why I don't like DSLR; do youself a favor, go try a RF and you will understand why I love Leica so much. Yes it really burns a hole in the pocket to get one, but rarely, you will get what you paid for.

Here's the Leica M7 Hermes edition from Purseblog

A sweet collector's item, I really love the 35mm Summilux!

Source - Leica M7 Hermes unboxing (from Purseblog)

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如何將兩部電腦的contact / media sync 到iPhone

問題: 如果你想將電腦A (eg.家用電腦) 的media (mp3) sync到iPhone, 同時又想sync電腦B (eg.office) 的calendar, contacts及不想iTunes強制剷掉裡面的media, 要怎做?

Helpful guide is from: Shiny Things: How to sync an iPhone with two (or more) Computers

Backup Your Library

On the machine you want to sync with, backup "iTunes Music Library.xml" and "iTunes Music Library" (Tunes Music Library.itl on PC) to a safe location. These are the files you will be modifying.

1) Find your iTunes Library ID

On the machine your iPhone currently syncs with, open "iTunes Music Library.xml" with a text editor and find the entry between the tags, after "Library Persistent ID". In the example below this is 8B6C633F7DACB74B. Copy this entry exactly to a piece of paper, email, temporary file etc. You can then close this file.


2) Change your Library ID

iTunes stores your library information in two places. An XML file and a binary file. You now need to change the ID in both so they match your other library.

Make sure iTunes is not running.

On the machine you want to sync with open "iTunes Music Library.xml" in a text editor. Again, find the entry between the tags after "Library Persistent ID" and copy this entry exactly. This time you can use the clipboard if you wish.

When you have a copy, replace this entry with the one you copied in part 1. Make sure you do not change anything else, and the length of the entry is 16 characters/digits. Save this file and close it.


In the Hex Editor, open "iTunes Music Library" (Tunes Music Library.itl on PC).

Select "Find and Replace" from the Edit menu. Make sure "Hex" matching is selected (not ASCII). In "Find" enter the ID you took a note of in Part 1. In Replace, enter the ID you copied at the start of Part 2. Choose Replace All, there should be one match.

Save this file and close it.



Start iTunes on the machine you wish to sync with and plug in your iPhone. When you select "Manually manage music and videos" you will no longer be prompted to erase your data, nor will the files on your iPhone be grayed out.

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